Course Details
Price: $1060.00
CHW Training (Self Study Only)
Section 1: Community Health Worker Orientation
- Define Community Health Worker
- Review the evolution of the CHW profession
- Describe the personal characteristics of a successful CHW
- Review the roles and responsibilities of a CHW
- Identify the core competencies of a CHW
Section 2: Professionalism
- Define Professionalism
- Identify the characteristics of professionals
- Exam the importance of character, values, morals, ethics, and other personal traits of work
Section 3: Stress Management
- Define Stress
- Recognize common sources of stress and stress responses
- Assess personal signs of stress
- Better manage your stress and prevent burnout
- Develop an stress management plan
Section 4: Ethics and Confidentiality
- Define Ethics
- Explain how ethics and laws different
- Review the CHW Code of Ethics
- Review the CHW Scope of Practice
- Define professional boundaries
- Define confidentiality and mandatory reporting
- Discuss the purpose and importance of HIPAA
Section 5: Effective Communication
- Define Communication
- Identify basic principles of effective verbal, non-verbal and written communication
- Demonstrate active listening skills
- Identify barriers to effective communication among diverse populations
- Identify actions and approaches to building positive relationships
- Apply Conflict resolutions skills
Section 6: Cultural Humility
- Define culture, beliefs, values, cultural humility, cultural competency, and cultural sensitivity
- Discuss concepts of traditional health beliefs and practices
- Discuss various practices to developing cultural sensitivity
Section 7: Public Health Part 1
- Define and Understand the Public Health Model vs Medical Model
- Define and understand social determinants of health
- Explain the relationship between the promotion of social justice, public health and prevention
- Describe the Ecological Model of Public Health
Section 8: Public Health Part 2
- Define health inequalities
- Discuss and analyze the data that documents health inequalities among populations
- Explain how social inequalities result in health inequalities
- Discuss how health inequalities are harmful to our society
- Describe and analyze how health inequalities are preventable
- Describe the role of CHWs in overcoming health inequalities and promoting social justice
Section 9: Healthy Behavior Change
- Define and identifying healthy behavior change
- Understanding and identify the important theories related to behavior change
- Identify barriers to behavioral change and classic mistakes that CHWs may make
- Strategies and tools of motivational interviewing
- Implement action planning for behavior change
Section 10: Client Interview Skills
- Describe the types of initial client interviews
- Explain confidentiality policies to a client
- Discuss how to build rapport with a new client
- Review open and closed-ended questions
- Uses the strength-based approach to client interviewing
Section 11: Health Insurance
- Explain how health care services are financed or paid for in the United States
- Describe major changes to the system due to the Federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
- Identify health care programs, insurance coverage, and other resources that serve low-income clients
- Discuss and provide examples of how CHWs can participate in the public policy process
Section 12: Care Coordination
- Define Care Coordination
- Identifying and accessing resources
- Ability to follow-up and track care and referral outcomes
- Ability to establish and maintain relationships
Section 13: Advocacy Skills
- Define advocacy and community organizing while also distinguishing between the t concepts
- Describe the different models of community organizing and apply the Community Action Model (CAM) to community health issues
- List and apply the steps of community diagnosing to sickle cell disease outreach
- Identify the levels of advocacy
Section 14: Capacity Building
- Understand the importance of community diagnosis
- Explain how community diagnosis is used to guide public health programs and efforts to advocate for social change
- Describe and apply seven key steps in a community diagnosis process
- Identify and develop effective research tools for gathering information for the diagnosis
- Explain How research findings are used to develop an action plan
Section 15: Outreach and Community Engagement
- Knowledge of the community serve including community strengths, assets, and resources
- Ability to identify health issues to be addressed by outreach and desired health outcomes using health status data, demographic information, and surveys
- Ability to build relationships with communities for outreach
- Ability to engage and utilize appropriate outreach methods including home visits, street outreach, activity-based outreach
Section 16: Sickle Cell 101
- Define Sickle Cell Disease
- Identify the difference between trait and disease
- Different types of Sickle Cell Disease
- Explain health problems that occur in SCD patients